把身體和意志鍛煉到極限。(Spartans push their minds and bodies to their limits.)
掌控自己的情緒。(Spartans master their emotions.)
學習永無止境。(Spartans learn continuously.)
慷慨奉獻。(Spartans give generously.)
沖在前。(Spartans lead.)
堅守信條,無懼代價。(Spartans stand up for their beliefs, no matter the cost.)
自知者明,了解自己的優缺點。(Spartans know their flaws as well as their strengths.)
行動勝于言語。(Spartans prove themselves through actions, not words.)
把每一天當作活在世上的末一天。(Spartans live every day as if it were their last.)